Fix Fertig - Ready for the field

inoculated soy bean seed

SAATBAU LINZ offers inoculated soy been seeds ready for sowing. The quality rhizobium is evenly spread on the grain and spares you the tedious and time-consuming inoculation before sowing.

Soy beans enter into a symbiosis with rhizobia which fix nitrogen from the air and supply it to the plant. In order for the rhizobia to develop nodules at the roots of the soy plants, specific bacterial strains are required which are applied to the soy beans before sowing.

Mineral nitrogen fertiliser is not as effective as the nitrogen from the air fixed by the rhizobia. In order to obtain productive soybean crops tolerant to stress, an inoculation with a quality rhizobium is thus indispensable.

As multi-annual trials at a variety of sites in Upper Austria have shown, a diligent inoculation of soybean seeds results in an excess yield of 15 to 20%.

The advantages of FIX FERTIG for you

  • extraordinary time savings
  • exact spreading of the rhizobia on the grain
  • intensive nodulation especially on the main root
  • ideal nitrogen supply right from the start
  • even maturation