Questionnaire Seed Injection ENSEMO GmbH

CAUTION: a general fertiliser ban applies to this trial!
CAUTION: the trial seed must not be re-inoculated!


(Response time: 4-7min)
Please enter your personal and field-related data. These are required for queries and for sending the other parts of the questionnaire and will be treated in accordance with the GDPR.

    Personal data*

    field-related data*

    Please provide the GPS coordinates of the test area:

    Position the red marker at the desired location.

    Which previous crop was cultivated before the soy beans were grown?

    Have you cultivated a catch crop?*

    If yes, which catch crop did you cultivate?

    What average yield of soy beans do you usually expect from this area?

    Have soy beans been cultivated on the field in the last 10 years?

    trial-related data*

    Which ENSEMO-variety did you grow in your trial?

    When did you cultivate the trial?

    Use of pesticides

    Did you use a product containing glyphosate before cultivation?


    Which crop protection product did you use before emergence?

    When did you use it?

    What quantity did you use?


    after emergence

    Which crop protection product did you use after emergence?

    When did you use it?

    What quantity did you use?


    Sowing technique*

    Which sowing technique did you use to sow soy beans?

    What row spacing did you choose for planting soy beans?

    What sowing density in kg/m² or grains/m² did you choose?


    Youth development & leaf colour*

    What differences can you recognise between ENSEMO-variety and standard-variety? (Time: Soy has emerged over a large area)

    youth development

    leaf colour

    What differences can you recognise between ENSEMO-variety and standard-variety? (Time: 2-4 weeks after emergence, approx. 15cm crop height)

    youth development

    leaf colour

    * mandatory fields