Home > Seeds > Corn > Grain corn > FAO 200-290 > ATLANTICO
FAO grain 250 | silage 260 | grain type 2


  • outstanding yields
  • excellent agronomy
  • use: grain, silage, biogas
  • high stress resistance


ATLANTICO is an excellent double-usage variety, bred in Austria from the early to mid-early maturity range. ATLANTICO achieves outstanding dry matter yields and shows above-average yield potential when used as silage maize. It impresses with a unique agronomy with very fast early vigor, impressive plant height, best scores for lodging resistance and broken plants, medium-low ear placement and high stress resistance. Its cold tolerance is also high. It exhibits low susceptibility to fusarium ear rot as well as to common smut and is generally a very healthy variety.

    Variety profile

    Disease susceptibility
    common smut*
    3 low
    5 medium
    stalk rot*
    2 very low to low
    broken plant*
    2 very low to low
    early vigor*
    9 very high (very fast)
    cold tolerance*
    8 high to very high
    2 very low to low
    plant height*
    9 very high
    Yield parameters
    grain yield*
    8 high to very high
    dry matter yield*
    9 very high

    Classification acc. to  AGES- the the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety
    * Classification acc. to breeder assessement

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